Duke Jordan – Double Duke (SCCD 37039/40)

MID-PRICE SERIES SCCD 37039/40 Double Duke / Duke Jordan Trio Previously issued on SCCD 31135 & SCCD 31165 “Brooklyn pianist enjoys first rate bass and drums backup…He’s one of the giants of the bop era, but his stylings are contemporary and entertaining.” (Recommended album, Billboard) “… while Jordan’s elegantly simple playing is a delight, his […]

Duke Jordan – Duke’s Delight (SCCD 31046)

SCCD 31046 Duke's Delight / Duke Jordan Quartet Duke Jordan’s long association with SteepleChase started with Jordan’s visit to Copenhagen in 1973. This session with the very best sidemen New York could offer features Jordan’s own compositions – except for the solo piano rendition of Duke Ellington’s classic In My Solitude . Accompanied by the […]