The so-called “unusual” set up of Andy LaVerne’s piano and organ trio formed a several years ago is no longer unusual after its tremendous success with the critics such as JazzTimes’ Thomas Conrad (“

Andy LaVerne on piano and Gary Versace on organ sound absolutely natural and complementary together. ” – on SCCD 31596 All Ways) and Allaboutjazz’s C. Andrew Hovan (“ Really one of the most welcomed surprises of the season, Intelligent Design lives up to its name as one of LaVerne’s best efforts thus far and one of the finest jazz releases of the year. “ – on SCD 31618 Intelligent Design).

Andy Laverne this time took his trio to the excited audiences at the posh jazz bar of

The Kitano Hotel on Park Avenue, NY, NY.

1. Note Worthy (Andy LaVerne)
2. J. J. (Andy LaVerne)
3. In A Turquoise Mood (Andy LaVerne)
4. One Of A Kind (Andy LaVerne)
5. Joyous Lake (Andy LaVerne)
6. Desolate Shore (Andy LaVerne)

UPC/EAN: 716043165421